


While I was reading I realized that love is one of the most overrated words in the world, we are really accustomed to idealize or fantasize that we're going to find our soul mate because we think that love is simple if we just find the right object to love or to be loved by.

In this modern society where the focus is to be loved and likable due to the huge impact that social media has had in our life, especially in the way we spend time, basically doing nothing, so that makes it more difficult to find a real connection with someone else or build up strong relationships.

I would say Love is 'teamwork' (care, responsibility, respect ) and ART, we need to develop and practice in order to find true contentment, you have to pay attention to each other (Friend, boyfriend, lover, etc) find what makes other happy, which is an everyday task, it can be easier if I started understanding myself.

Maybe I´m under the spell of Erich Fromm haha, because I already finished the book called the art of loving and that's what I've learned, hope you find it interesting.

In my opinión love is a matter of choice and has different ways to express, thanks for reading me :)