My New Year's Eve

My New Year's Eve


daily life

Hi guys!

After 10 days, I'd like to talk a little bit about how was my last day of 2022.

Usually, at the turn of the year my family likes to gather in my grandmother's house and have fun!

But in the last 3 years, we started to travel to the countryside to go to the beach.

And in 2022 it wasn't different, I would travel with my aunt and my uncle. My sister and mother would stay in hose together, because they wanted to travel in the middle of January, instead of travel in December.

I was very happy, because I really wanted to go the beach.

It's been a long time since I went to the beach, and with the pandemic It took even longer.

In this city we would stay in a house not so close to the beach, but it's not a problem at all, because to go the beach with the car it would be around 20 minutes.

We leave the city early, it was around 5:00, because we didn't want to arrive late. The trip should take around 4 hours, counting on time the we would spend in the restaurant eating some food.

Right after we leave our city there was a problem with the car, it overheated out of the blue. So we had to stop and fix it.

After 2 hours in the mechanic we were able to continue our trip.

So, we should arrive around 10:00, we ended up arriving 14:00.

So, it was no longer possible to go to the beach, it was already too late. We decided to go in the next day.

But there was something strange with the car, it was stuttering to turn on.

My uncle opened the hood to try to see what the problem was.

And he realized there was water in the engine, and apparently this is something very bad.

The winch took the car to the mechanic. And it turns out that it was just a short step away from having a major engine problem.

The car stayed in the mechanic for 2 days, and unfortunately we weren't able to go the beach, we even had to stay another day in that city to wait for the car to get out of the mechanic.

Now I'm planning to go again the in the beginning of February, I hope everything will be fine!