I read a book

I read a book



Hi !

Today I want to practice a little bit my English, so I'm going to talk about the last article I published in Spanish.

So, in the last publication, I said that yesterday I finished a book; more specifically, a comic strip. It's called "Un monde sans fin" (which means "An endless world") and was written in French by Jean-Marc Jancovici. This book talks about the climate change, energy and how we consume, especially in France. It's a book I've wanted to read for a while.

Actually, this book was a Christmas gift for my dad, but it turns out he already owned it, and had read it. So, I decided to keep it because I wanted to read it as well. It is a really nice book because it explains in an easy way things that tend to be difficult to understand.

Reading this book makes me wanted to tearn more about it because it's really interesting. If I have enough time, I would love to learn more about it.

Thank you in advance for your correction!