Reading books

Reading books


language learning
language exchanges
daily life

Hello everyone!

I've been thinking what topic to write about and I'd like to touch on the subject of reading books.

Books play an important role as a teacher, guide, and friend in our life. How it said in quote: "Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book" and I totally agree with it. You dig deeply into a book and emphasize with main character as if you live his life.

I hadn't read books before I started learning English. You may have noticed that English has made a big impact on my life. Feeling stuck at intermediate level, I began looking for new ways to overcome this plateau. I watched a lot of videos about overcoming plateau and everyone just said about reading books in order to enrich the vocabulary and get a new level of English. However I didn't attache value to this advice, but after a while I wasn't still improving and almost gave up. Finally, I decided to buy a kindle and dedicate next five months for reading as much as I could have. After having bought a kindle, I uploaded lots of books and I was trying to form the habit of reading at least 30 minutes in a day. Nevertheless it was a challenge for me since I didn't love reading.

I have been trying to stick this habit in my daily life, however It has become boring in my case. Since this habit was so easy, I lost the interest. In my way of thinking, the more you read the more you acquire, but you aren't able to read ten books in a month. Forming a habit isn't easy to be honest. It seems to me that there're a lot of details to form a habit. If you form an easy habit you will get bored soon. However, forming a tough habit makes you burnt out after a while.

I've set a goal to read two books in a month. I realize that it's going to be a challenge for me, nevertheless I've already read one book and I have 14 days left to end the next one.

I have some thoughts about reading books. It strikes me that the whole point of reading books is acquiring knowledge. So I guess the reading books is the best method to figure out something new. When people become concerned about something, they can find the information on YouTube through some videos, but in my case, I won't be as much focused about the topic as if I read a book. Reading a book is a big step and it shows that you really want to acquire new information and I think you will be more concentred on this process. As you may have already guessed, I'm not a fan of classic genre since I prefer reading self-help books. However I don't mind to read novels sometimes.
