My language goals

My language goals


Yesterday, I took exams to check my language levels.

Now I can find my level on B1 of CEFR. ( French is A2 )

After exams, I consider how I make progress.

Actually, I don’t have solid goals for learning, because I just need languages to live more enjoyable.

Usually, I touch a lot of English resources with fun.

English is totally different from Japanese, my mother tongue.

The difference helps me to think of things from other aspects.

So it makes me learn more with unfinished curiosity.

Although, I have to make efforts to make myself progress.

Because everyone around me speaks Japanese.

( Sometimes I can practice with friends speaking English, but they're all busy )

But I would like to enjoy my learning, including making surroundings.

I feel it's possible because everyone might make effort too, to learn their foreign languages.

That reminds me:

About 4 years ago, I consulted my friend about whether I should start learning French or not.

For me, It looked impossible to learn multiple languages, but French attracts me strongly.

I still remember her comment.

'You can learn French, too! Because everyone who can speak French is also human! You are the same!'

Starting to learn multiple languages is one of the best decisions in my life.

Anyway, I would like to enjoy this process, because in every step there are my own difficulties and happiness.

Actually, I feel sometimes anxious to learn languages living in Japan.

But this struggle will be a gift to me some day.

Headline image by lastnameeaster on Unsplash