Journal 04

Journal 04


daily life
journaly updates

I realized that I definitely should write this earlier because is very late and I just want to go to bed so let’s keep it short.

I woke up today kind late (I’m really trying to maintain a routine but I’m really bad at it) so I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to do all the things that I should, but I’ve done! I’m pretty happy about it.

My cousin is pregnant and she asked me to help her to write down the layette, so I spend most of my afternoon with her doing that. I already knew that having a baby is something expensive but the list became surprisingly long.

Near to the evening, I was able to study “los pronombres personales” in Spanish and the difference between gerund and infinite in English.

It was a good day!

Headline image by kellysikkema on Unsplash