Journal 02

Journal 02


daily life
journaly updates

It's the second day I'm journaling and I'm still not sure what I supposed to write about.

Today was a ok day. I woke up later then I should (for me it's quite difficult to skict with a routine) so I wasn't able to do all the things that planned.

I started to study Spanish today with the alphabet. It's very similar to the Portuguese one but have some sounds that we don't have like the double "l". I was also able to pratic my English writing and realize that I should learning more about the punctuation, especially how to use the comma.

I don't know when I'll be able to do the things that I couldn't do today because tomorrow is going to be a more busy day so I'm a bit anxious about it.

I'm not sure if this is the way I'm supposed to end a journal entry but how I said before I don't really know what I'm doing so I'm leaving at that.