Adam has been learning Chinese for several months, but still barely understands natural Chinese conversation. He has not even mastered the four tones yet. On the other hand, Danny is a native Chinese speaker and an advanced English learner. He often shares his learning tips with Adam, although Adam does not always take his advice.
At the end of 2022, they are talking about their New Year's resolutions for language learning. Adam says his language partner has made the resolutions for him. They are to master four tones and to learn over 3000 Chinese vocabulary to carry on some simple conversations with native Chinese speakers.
Danny wonders if the resolutions are somewhat unrealistic due to Adam’s limited available time for Chinese learning and his weak listening ability. According to research, it takes people at least 1000 hours of listening to their target language to understand a little bit. Adam still has a long way to go.
Danny believes people should make practical plans to reach their goals. Without a concrete plan, it seems that Adam is doomed to fail. However, Adam prefers reaching for the stars. At the end of 2023, they will know who is right.