Learning German

Learning German


daily life

Hi guys!

In the middle of this year I started learning Spanish, I wrote everything about it here.

However, after 1 month or so I stopped learning it, the main reason was because I wasn't enjoying.

But I still wanted to learn another language, actually I set a goal that I wanted to learn 4 languages without counting with my native language.

So, I decided to learn German. I've been learning it for 1 month, and I'm really enjoying everything related to German.

It was hard when I started, because there aren't German speakers as there are English speakers for example, so it was difficult to find the initial resources to start learning.

But I was lucky, and I found an incredible course called: Nico's Weg, there's the A1, A2, B1 and B2.

Currently I'm in A1 level, but I've been improving a lot.

German is harder than English. The main difference for me is in German the nouns have gender masculine, feminine and neutral and words pronunciation.

For example, in English you can say:

The boy

The girl

The woman

In German it's like this:

der Junge

das Mädchen

die Frau

In my opinion this is the main difference between German and English.

But it's not a problem at all, because my native language is exactly like that.

Some words in German are hard to learn, because they are too long.

The words pronunciation are very hard, I don't even know how I'm going to learn the correct pronunciation.

But I really want to learn German and I'm going to.

I want to learn as much words as possible while I'm finishing my A1 course. After that I'm going to try to learn 3 books in the A1 level, and start my A2 course and also start practicing the listening skill.

I think in 1 year I can achieve B1. The only problem is I don't as much time as I wanted, so there will be some days where I won't be able to study it.

But I hope I can reach the B1 level.