I'm Back!

I'm Back!


language learning

Something went wrong — with my persistency. I placed too much time on peripheral / side projects that took me away from revising my Polish. Plus I had a couple of accidents. LOL

For over a month or so I had not even looked at Polish words. Consequently, it took forever to get back into it. I still have little side projects all to do with Polish, but they will not distract me from my main goal — which is to remember Polish words and sentences.

Anyway, cut a long story short, I'm back more or less where I was before. I now prepare A3 blank sheets to be lined, so that I can build up sentences instead of words, as before. I've re-revised the 735 words from 'Frequency Dictionary' and, am now wanting to build up maybe the same number of sentences.

These A3 sheets allow me to have everything in view. One side (A) will just have Polish sentences and the other will have the Polish sentences with their initial letter for each word under each sentence. I am learning from a book called, Speak Polish. There are 2 books in the series. If I can build up at least 15 sentences a week, then I'll be able to further my understanding of how the words I already know all go together with the newer sentences that I'm learning.

Incidentally, if you've not read my other stuff, the A3 lined sheets help me to quickly get each word or sentence into my head, using either B side with Polish and English hints or, the A sides, which only have Polish for quickly going over what I already know. I do this by studying B sides, going on treadmill and flipping over to A sides when I know I'm ready to quickly review how much I know. ;)