Today I started learning Japanese

Today I started learning Japanese



language learning

Japanese has been a language that I've wanted to learn for a long time, however, I kept putting it off because I would tell myself that it just wasn't "the right time" to learn a new language where my interest in the language stemmed from JRPG video games. What brought upon this change of mindset, you might be wondering. Well, yesterday I had a two hour, in-depth conversation with a friend of mine about the nuances of the Japanese language and by the end of it, I was absolutely inspired to finally click that "start a new course" button on Duolingo.

However, it wasn't just the content of the conversation that inspired me, it was also the fact that I could have such fascinating discussions about Japanese without knowing a single word...imagine the kinds of conversations I could have if I started learning the language slowly - with only ten minutes a day, even! So that's exactly what I did, I dedicated 10 small minutes to learning a little bit of hiragana today and I found it extremely rewarding! I'm very excited to finally partake in this journey that has eluded me for so many years.

My question for you, the Japanese speaking community on Journaly, is what resources would you recommend for learning Japanese? I enjoy using Duolingo as a fun way to connect with friends and as like a "workbook" but I am also looking for other apps/grammar books for more detailed explainations on Japanese grammar. I'd also love to hear some tips you have about mastering a new writing system! And finally, of course, I'd also be interested to hear about any graded readers because I think graded readers will really compliment my learning style.

I look forward to slowly being able to understand the Japanese posts on Journaly! Hope to hear from you soon!
