Turning Adult

Turning Adult



In many cultures, turning adult is a reason for a big celebration. While being major gives us many freedoms, adulthood also comes with more responsibilities. Being an adult means that we should have the competencies to differentiate right from wrong, to evaluate actions and consequences, and to be aware that we are responsible for our behaviour. With that in mind, we are entitled the right not to be controlled by our parents anymore, to live our lifes independently. However, being on our own brings its responsibilities, realities we often oversee when we are still underage. We have to face the consequences of our decisions alone, trying to find a solution to the many problems in life. Hiding behind the back of our parents isn't an option anymore, for with the loss of control over us, they are simultaneously freed from the burden of caring for us.

As a student in a very competitive culture with school hours from seven thirty to five, it is nearly impossible for me to make enough money to sustain myself. Therefore, I still rely on my parents a lot. Nevertheless, I aspire to be independent, which is why I try to make some money through tutoring on weekends and learn to invest smartly as well as plan my spendings. This way, I hope that once I am in college, I will be finally completely independent. Considering the other responsibilities of adulthood, I think I am already mastering them in a fairly sufficient way. In my opinion, a very good indicator is if my parents worry about me. Although I could technically do anything without their permission, I understand they still love me and anything they won't recommend me do is what they know from experience will harm me. For this reason, I always feel ensured when they don't worry about me. It means that I am not too far off the path. Turning adult might seem a heavy burden to bear, but it is also the start of new chapter of life with more possibilities than ever. Indeed, it is a precious time worth celebration, and even more important, it is a time for mindfulness.