Electricity man

Electricity man



Once upon a time, there was a handsome man. He was very handsome.

Part 1

Shhh! I will tell you some amazing things. He had superpower about the electricity!

This superpower is helpful. When the electricity move in the wires and goes forwords, forwords and forwords, It will lost some power.

He wanted to change it . So, he used his superpower.


Then, he invented the A/C electricity. Now, the electricity in our wires will go forwords and backwords. It will not lose any power in the wires.

People liked it a lot.

Part 2

He was born in 1856. He lived in Austria. As he was a child, he had another superpower--super memory. He can remember every thing he saw. His teacher even thought he cheated in the test!!!!!

He helped to develop x-ray machines and a remote-control boat.

He is a clever man every times!

He died in 1943. It is a shame!!! I can't learn the superpower with him!!!