1 - A simple day

1 - A simple day


Hello everyone!

It's my first time writing a journal of any kind.

I'm not used to post or share neither my thoughts nor experiences with not well known people. I need to know reasonably well and share amusement memories with people to feel confortable and confident with their company.

I consider myself a slightly shy young man and maybe a bit more interesting one.

Don't worry! I am no trying to bothered you! I'm hardly trying to open myself to all of you in this shared journey to acquire a new language.

Well, let's stop being unusually extrovert and, with your consent, let me describe my daily activities:

I start every single one of my days (since one year ago, more or less) in a unextraordinary way.

I'm still diving on the search of my first career oportunity, hence I usually wake up at 7 in the morning unless something exceptional happens (something like weekends! when I give me the pleasure to turn off my cell phone alarm 2 hours later).

I was used to wake up at 5:30 a.m. since I was at "preparatoria" (a kind of high school for students around 15-18 years old) due to the distant location of my school which was a distance of 7 or 8 kilometers along. I know, it's not too much, but the heavy amount of traffic made it a weary experience only saved by my father's family anecdotes which ever make me feel a great amusement.

Nowadays I go out for a walk with my dog along a narrow quiet river nearby my house. The shores are full of tall grass surrounded by trees of different kind and the surface of the river is fashioned with green mold and slime which are settlement of fishes and turtles that hunt flies in silence at the water surface. The river stinks with a unique and common smell that remembers to most part of its visitors the same sorrowfully grief embodied by the smell of rotting flowers at cemeteries and wakes, but we are so unexpectedly used to this scent that all those memories of death and sorrow take off from our minds and only stays in our being.

Aside the river entrance and the principal street, divided by a metal grid fence of 1.5 meters height, there's a considerably large park where people can play soccer, basketball and voleyball. It has a skate park and several gardens where kids and their relatives can play and enjoy a confortable weekend. There's a speedway which surronds the park and in the furthermost zone of it, a few tables, benches and structures with palm roofs are disposed to be witnesses of parties, reunions and feasts.

I've only come inside once or twice and it was only to accomplish my group homework, hence I haven't had the opportunity to be pleased of this well organized public place, where we can remember to ourselves the invaluable meaning of community.

As long as you get deeper into the river road, weary colorful flowers strive to flourish amid the tall grass in accordance with the river's temperament regardless of meteorological seasons. Between the grid holes of the rusted fence that limits the park, climbing plants blossom with vibrant hues that meet, dance and blend to paint the old changing metal oxide with astonishing blues, appetizing reds, uncanny violets, living oranges and pleasurable yellows.

With each step, trees get wider, higher and stronger but neither less wise nor exhausted, and their roots go down to the river flow and beneath it, trying to steal the most nourishment possible out of its putrid water. Atop the willows, ash-tress and ahuehuetes, an extraordinary variety of bird species dwell on their branches, fulfilling the monotonous void with an orchestra of yet unknown instruments of all kind. Spiderwebs are designed by perfect weavers between and underneath the trees, glittering silver and golden lights, reflections of dim dawns. Those spiders have different sizes but all of them seems like dark crabs made of soil, wood and rock.

Aftwer my short walk I go back to my home and get prepare to have breakfast.

That's all for this occasion.

I really hope you have enjoyed my write and, please, send me your corrections!

It'll be a pleasure to get yout feedback!

Headline image by karimsan on Unsplash