Conversation Exchange

Conversation Exchange


language learning
language exchanges

It's been a while since I wanted to ask you something here, but I was unsure if I should or not, and now here I am haha. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? So, there we go: Does anybody here is interested in having conversations (Portuguese-English)? I still don't know if it may work or even how it will work or be, but I'd like to know at least if there's anybody interested in conversation exchange.

I take classes with tutors regularly, but based on my experience last year, I would say that when it comes to conversations: the more, the merrier. I'm sure that you all know the benefits of practicing our speaking skills. In my opinion, it's the best way to make yourself form sentences on the fly, and also to build the confidence to talk in the target language.

I've tried so many apps with this purpose over the last year, but the truth is: lots of people over there are not interested in learning a new language at all. Unfortunately.

Aside from improving my English skills, I would like to improve my teaching skills as well. I think it would be interesting to help someone to learn my mother-tongue, which is Portuguese.

So, if you are interested in something like that, let me know. We can try to make this happen.