My Top Swedish Songs

My Top Swedish Songs



Hej allihopa!

Today, I want to make a post a little bit special. I'm still learning Swedish, but sometimes it's difficult to maintain my motivation. I was missing something and especially the culture. For example, in Spanish I love the culture, the music so it's easy for me to be interested in learning the language. It's effortless. So I decided to look for some Swedish music. What I found is amazing. I love Swedish songs! I never paid attention until these last days so I would like to share with you my favorite Swedish songs. Maybe, it will make you want to start learning this beautiful language or maybe it it will help you in your Swedish language learning to add some fun to your journey if you're learning it.

Låt oss börja!

I have made a list with 22 songs. I put the link to each song if you want to listen them:

22) Niklas Strömstedt - I Hennes Rum. I love lots of songs of Niklas Strömstedt. It's a singer very talented in my opinion. So, don't be surprised to find his songs very often in my top swedish songs.

21) ABBA - Dancing Queen på Svenska. I love ABBA as well. I listen to their music for a long time. It's a group very popular in France for karaoke or parties. I've never thought that they have sung in Swedish too. It's an amazing discovery.

Let's enter in top 20 with Markoolio - Kärlekssång från mig. I am not sure but this song reminds me a little bit of the song Can You Feel The love from Elton John.

19) Niklas Strömstedt - Andra sidan midnatt.

18) Niklas Strömstedt - Om. I think it's one of the most known songs from Niklas. An original song with typical instruments.

17) Niklas Strömstedt - Bakom lås och bom bom bom. Again a song from Nicklas.

16) Abba - Super Trouper på Svenska. I feel like I prefer that version than the English version. I understand now why some polyglots say that talking in Swedish looks like singing. It's definitely a language perfect for singing.

15) Niklas Strömstedt - En väg till mitt hjärta. I like this song and especially the instruments and the rhythm.

14) Niklas Strömstedt - Halvvägs till framtiden. Good job singer Nicklas ;)

13) Basshunter - DotA. When I was younger, I used to listen to Basshunter's songs and I'm pretty proud of figuring out that " vi spelar" means "we play" the video game in Swedish. It makes sense now.

12) Lisa Nilsson - Lycklig. Very good singer Lisa!

11) Niklas Strömstedt - Vi vet.

Now let's discover my top 10. It becomes to be more interesting. Let's keep listening.

10) For me, Shirley Clamp - Med hjärtat fyllt av ljus deserves this position. What a voice! Very beautiful and strong voice.

9) ABBA - Money Money Money på Svenska. Amazing version in Swedish, I love it!

8) Niklas Strömstedt - Hon bor i mitt hjärta. What a surprise?! Niklas Strömstedt in the top 10.

7) Sofia Källgren - Längtans vind. A magnificent voice. An amazing discovery this singer Sofia!

6) Dj Toad - Synd att du är så söt. The singer reminds me of the french singer Joyce Jonathan, not for her voice but rather with her way of singing. Very nice and good vibes for sure!

Here it is the top 5:

5) Sonja Aldén - Du Får Inte. Amazing voice and beautiful song Sonja!

4) ABBA - Mamma mia på Svenska. My favorite song of ABBA in swedish!

Now, top 3!

3) Niklas Strömstedt - Vart du än går. I assume it's a Swedish version of the song Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting. Both beautiful songs.

2) Niklas Strömstedt - En gång i livet. Just an amazing song! I'm speechless.

And my favorite Swedish song so far is...

1) Handen på hjärtat from Sofia Kälgren. I love everything! The voice and the rhythm.

That's it! I'm curious. Have you some songs that you love and motivate you to keep going on learning your language whether in Swedish or in another language?

Thanks for reading and enjoy!