How to get the most out of private classes?

How to get the most out of private classes?


language exchanges

Hey all,

Like I said in my last post, I've been studying English intensively over the last few months. I can see my improvement. Honestly, it was a tremendous improvement. One of the things that helped me a lot to achieved it was to keep in touch with native speakers. I used to take private classes through an online platform. Now, my contract with this company expired. I have to say I miss my classes a lot. I can wait to resume my classes or at least to do something similar to it.

In the meanwhile, I've been taking this time to rethink the classes. I've been thinking about the approach that I used to use. The classes were like free talks between friends. They were wonderful, and again, as I said, the lessons did help me a lot, especially when it comes to feeling comfortable with the language. But still: Was I getting the most out of those classes? I really don't know, and that's why I'm writing this post.

How do you guys deal with it? Do you usually prepare some topics before the class? Do you use these kinds of opportunities to talk only about questions?

I love talking with different people, exchange cultural and personal experiences and thoughts. I want to keep it, but maybe I should balance it with something more prepared or specific. What are your thoughts about it? I'd be delighted to hear from you.