Red, White & Royal Blue

Red, White & Royal Blue



Red, White & Royal Blue, from Casey Mcquiston: 4,5/5 🌟

Alex Clarademont-Díaz is the son of the first woman president of the United States y can't suffer the prince Henry of England. Since now it wasn't a problem but, when Alex get drunk in the wedding of Henry's brother and make a mess, the two families will have to keep the apperances in front of the press.

So, since now, Alex and Henry are good friends, at least in public. But in private no, in private start to emerge new feelings that beyonds a simple friendship.

Well, I'm not used to read contemporany romantic books, so I was going blindly with this book, but everybody in Bookstagram recomend it so I went to it and, to be honest, it was a really good idea. This is one of these lectures that make you forgot about everything else and only live in the book.

Personally I'm not very objective, this book steals my heart since the first moment and make me stay all the book smiling as a dum for the cute of the love story (some times not that cute, and so spicy, but, in general, so adorable).

I hope you engoyed this review, is the traduction of one I made time ago for a account of bookstagram (people speaking about books in instagram) and the photo too. I have like four more reviews of this account and when I'll finish translating this I will began with new ones directly written in english.

Thanks you for reading! ☺️