


I just wanted to post something, since I haven't in the last few days. I was thinking about something to write, but nothing popped in my mind. So what can I write better than literally nothing at all? Let's call this a "focus experiment": let's try to prove if it's possible to entertain someone without letting him or her go away without actually saying anything. You see, I had to use him/her because I assume whomever is reading is not a rock, or a pencil. And I used "whomever" instead of "whoever" because of that episode from The Office in which everybody is in the conference room, and someone uses the word "whomever", and they all start discuss about the meaning of the word and when it is properly used instead of "whoever". I can't remember who (or whom?), but there's someone at a point that says something like: "(Whomever) is a word used to trick students". I believe it was Creed who said that. If you watched The Office, you know it had to be Creed. That is such a Creed thing to say. Anyway, what I find brilliant about The Office is, above all, the fact that in the early seasons the show never failed to demonstrate that comedy works only when it's properly spotted. That is, I believe, one of the most fundamental principles of comedy: everything can turn out being either funny or tragic, and it's up to you to decide and eventually how to show it. The Office showed that in any possible way: of course you have many examples like when people's involved in absurd discussions about the use of a word in a sentence (instead of working), but I believe the best of the show in that sense is given by the camera work: the camera never fails to show the more subtle details which turn a regular scene from a generic piece of comedy in a bright gem. So many examples to think of. I love when (SPOILER FOR THE OFFICE) Angela throws her cat, Bandit, on the ceiling, and then while a whole mess is going on in the office, the cat suddeny falls from the ceiling with a whole panel; or when Dwight and Jim are having a fake call organized by Michael to prove the latter sale skills, and Jim pretends he would buy a supply from Dwight, so Dwight is shown smiling from joy to Michael. The camera never fails to show these moments and emphasize them to the audience in the right way, so now we know how stupid Dwight is, and how stupid that situation turns out being. (END OF SPOILER)

So this is the funny thing about having no topic at all while writing something. Sometimes the best way to do something is just doing it, and the rest will come. I was not thinking of The Office in a while, and the simple talking about it made me want to watch the whole show again - who knows if it's also true for you?

Sometimes things go like this: you just want to do something - you don't know what, you just know that you want to write something, and you do it; some other times, you know what you want to do, but just can't figure out how. So you give it up. Unless you are Zhuangzi.

The story goes like this: once the emperor wanted the famous chinese artist and mystic Zhuangzi to paint a crab for him. "I need five years. And a palace, with servitude" he said. The king allowed to give him five years, a palace and a bunch of people who would work for him. After five years the emperor came back, claiming his painting. "I need five more years", Zhuangzi said. The emperor agreed. Then, five more years later, he came back again, and Zhuangzi gave him the best painting of a crab ever done by a human.