Translation: 콜 → The Call

Translation: 콜 → The Call


language learning

"거기 지금 몇 년도죠?”

"What year is it there?"

오랜만에 집으로 돌아온 ‘서연’(박신혜).

Seo-yeon (Park Shin-hye) has returned home after a long time.

집에 있던 낡은 전화기를 연결했다가 ‘영숙’(전종서)이란 이름의 낯선 여자와 전화를 하게 된다.

In the house, there is an old phone that connects her with an unfamiliar girl named Young-sook.

‘서연’은 ‘영숙’이 20년 전, 같은 집에 살았던 사람이란 사실을 깨닫고 그때부터 두 사람은 우정을 쌓아간다.

Seo-yeon realizes that Young-sook lives in the same house as her, only 20 years in the past, and the two girls start to form a friendship.

“내가 말했지, 함부로 전화 끊지 말라고.”

"I told you not to hang up the phone carelessly."

그러던 어느 날, ‘서연’과 ‘영숙’은 각자의 현재에서 서로의 인생을 바꿀 위험한 선택을 하게 된다.

One day, Seo-yeon and Young-sook make a dangerous decision that changes both their lives in the present.

‘영숙’은 20년 전 죽은 ‘서연’의 아빠를 살려주고, ‘서연’은 ‘영숙’의 미래를 알려준 것.

In the past, Young-sook saves Seo-yeon's father who had died, and Seo-yeon tells Young-sook about her future.

그러나 자신의 끔찍한 미래를 알게 된 ‘영숙’이 예상치 못한 폭주를 하면서 ‘서연’을 위협하기 시작하는데…!

However, once Young-sook knows about the terrible future that awaits her, she starts sending an unexpected surge of threats Seo-yeon's way!

금기를 깨버린 전화 한 통 살인마가 눈을 뜬다.

Seo-yeon hangs up the phone, breaking their promise, and a murderer opens her eyes*


*My thought process behind the final sentence: It makes no sense to me when reading it just as it is - something about a phone call that breaks a taboo and a murderer's eyes opening.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that "taboo" refers back to "I told you not to hang up the phone carelessly" (aka hanging up the phone = taboo) which is how I landed on this translation.