0907_ Journal (3)

0907_ Journal (3)


daily life

Not that I don't know overeating is bad for health, but sometimes I do. Like today. No sooner I ate too much then I started to regret. What a stupid. Actually I had konw this consequences since I took a mouthful of food. Sometimes I feel it hard to control overeating especially when I am under some stress. I have tried to constrain myself not to eat too much, but it often doesn't work like today. Only good thing is, I had dinner ealier than usual.

I've known that lots of girls are in the same problem with me. They may have regret eating too much tonight. What a poor girl. Why we somtimes don't sotp pursuitting of food? What make use feel hungry. It is a kind of fake what my empty mind may has made. But I would have taken a step into that trap without hesitation. I could not help but eat.