Being sensitive is not bad, but sometimes it sucks.

Being sensitive is not bad, but sometimes it sucks.


daily life

Being sensitive is not bad, but sometimes it sucks.


I am sensitive.

No, I'm not telling anyone.

I just admit it to myself.

I am one of those people who tear up easily while watching movies or any kind of emotional videos.

I get hurt by little actions that other people wouldn't even think about them.

This is why I am thoughtful. I am aware that my actions or words might hurt others' feelings just like they hurt mine.

What is once said, cannot be taken back.

Therefore, I always think before I speak.

I don't want to leave any scars on people's hearts.

Scars can be healed but they cannot be erased.

The good thing is being able to sense people's feelings quickly helps me be a better listener.

However, being sensitive contrasts with my other personalities.

I am confident, independent, well-organised and decisive.

I am perceived as emotionally strong.

With my hard shell, not many people think that I am sensitive.

I don't blame them.

I cannot control how I feel but I can control how I react.

I know that I sense people's feelings quickly and I have to deal with possible following results.

Being aware of emotions, I would say.

Don't force them. Don't block them. Don't hide them.

I let myself feel whatever I'm feeling for a while, and do what I can do- to let go.

I sense a feeling, dig deep in it and let it go knowing that the one who speaks doesn't even care about my feeling and I will not let those words impact my life.

Being sensitive is not bad, but sometimes, just some times, it sucks.

Do you know why?

Knowing that I have to go through that process over and over again, and no matter how many times I have done it, it still hurts.

That sucks.

(I'm sorry guys. Today is just a little bit dark.)




6.18 a.m.