3 ways to improve your speaking skills in your foreign language at home

3 ways to improve your speaking skills in your foreign language at home



Hello. Today's topic is: 3 ways to improve your speaking skills in your foreign language at home

This works for extroverts too.

We are good at writing, reading, and listening but when it comes to speaking it is terrible. We are struggling with speaking skills because we have to leave our comfort zone. Our life will be meaningless if we stay in our comfort zone for our whole life.

But there is an option and you can do it all alone. If you are not prepared to talk with native speakers you can start with these tips below. They will help you and you won't be embarrassed.

1) Talk to yourself in front of the mirror

I know it’s a little bit weird but it will help you. Talking to yourself in front of the mirror has many advantages. You don't want to embarrass yourself in the mirror so it will force you to think in your target language. For those who don’t have self-confidence, it’s the perfect booster to reinforce it.

2) Watch videos and imitate how native speakers talk

If you want to truly boost your speaking skills in your target language, you have to imitate native speakers. It doesn’t matter if it’s a video, a movie, or a podcast. Pick what you like and pause after every sentence they will say. I know it will take so much time but the results are stunning. You will kill two birds with one stone because you will watch what you like and at the same time you will improve your target language.

3) Record your voice and compare your pronunciation to native speakers

Another way to improve your speaking skills is by recording your voice. Some online courses have an option to send your voice and compare it with native speakers. For example, you can practice it with Babbel. If you don’t want to spend your money on online courses or simply you don’t like online courses, recording your voice is still crucial for you because it will help you track your progress and help you with your motivation.

To be able to speak a foreign language is the most difficult task you will face. You can have good proficiency in writing, reading, and listening skills but if you won’t able to practice your speaking skills you will never be fluent in your target language. 

Have a nice day :))