A Narrow Escape

A Narrow Escape


daily life

It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon and a breeze was blowing lightly. My siblings and I were coming back from church with other people. For a child like me, it was extremely easy to get distracted, so instead of holding my older sister’s hand and paying attention to whatever they were talking about I decided to go a few steps ahead of them since we were already arriving home anyway.

I walked hurriedly until I was almost in front of my house, I only had to cross the street. Having done this many times before, I wasn’t intimidated at all. I made sure no cars were coming from any side and then ran to my house. When I looked backwards, I saw that my siblings and their friends were still on the other side of the street, chatting and laughing. So I made up my mind to cross the street one more time, instead of waiting for them as I should have.

Once again, I was looking left and right for any approaching cars. When I thought it was time, I ran fearlessly. I was so close to the pavement I thought I could make it, but I didn’t. I only felt my body being pushed to the ground. An enormous grey car had hit me and my slender body flew to a considerable distance. I lost consciousness at that moment.

My family, later on, described to me how everyone panicked and my sister was crying. And that I was taken to the hospital in that same car. That day could have been the last day of my life, had there been a serious head injury or something similar. Fortunately, even though my head hit against a rock on the ground and it began to bleed, there weren’t any major problems and I was able to recover normally.