JJOA's Youtuber Failure!

JJOA's Youtuber Failure!



Before going to the main topic of this post, I want to briefly express my happiness about something. I started a new language learning routine! Specifically for pronunciation training. I used to only do shadowing and other minor things for improving my pronunciation, I reached 32 hours for shadowing, I believe. But it was something I actually didn't enjoy much, and the improvements I noticed were very little. So I decided it was time to let go this training and move on to something new and possibly better. I found a video of Luca Lampariello where he talked about some techniques and tips he recommends for practicing pronunciation in a foreign language. Today I tried reading out loud following the intonation, connected speech and pronunciation rules he mentioned. I had to study a bit about intonation before the training, and I still have a lot of study to do, I don't know yet enough about stress, rhythm and pronunciation! I likedd the activity though. I found an audiobook of a novel I'm reading, and I decided to use it for this purpose now. I extract a page worth of text onto a word document, listen to the audio, and mark the stress words and the connected speech. Then I would record myself trying to imitate the sound of the speaker while following the rules marked on the text. I'd compare and try again three times. I did it with three pages today. But I'm planning to do at least five pages a day if I don't find any other activity.

I'll have to do a lot of changes on my daily routine now, it sucks to be honest. And lately I've been getting distracted from my study easily, that really pisses me off. There's this girl who wants me to go to her party and because I didn't want to seem rude rejecting the invitation I lied with a lame excuse. And she gave me a solution to that excuse so I don't know what to do now, I can't say I lied! If any of y'all reading this have a good idea please tell me. Tomorrow I'll try to do the same things I used to do back when I wasn't on vacation: Taking the cellphone out of the room, saying to my family that I'll study so they don't interrupt me, closing up discord, and start studying! Now I'm stressed. I should really start paying attention to this distractions, so I have more time to study. I just realized I haven't used any blank lines lol.

After writing this I think I'll go and watch some anime with my dad, even though I don't actually know why he wants to watch anime with me. It's funny, you know? He asks me a lot of times, "Are we going to watch ReZero today?" And he actually gets excited if my answer is affirmative, but when we're watching it he always nods off. The first episode he was all hyped so he commented about everything, how the Japanese people really know how to draw, the fight scenes, and the voice. But a few episodes later he started snoring in all the dialogues, only waking up on the fight scenes. Although, sometimes he would wake up randomly and say something like, "Oh look at that!" and start sleeping again. It was starting to annoy me so I thought, "If we watch an anime full of horror and action I'm sure he won't fall asleep!" So we watched "Corpse party". I didn't know someone could fall asleep while they're literally blowing a girl up against a wall. And he still wants to watch "Evangelion" with me. I can't imagine the amount of times he'll nod off in the last two episodes.

Don't get me started on Evangelion, bro. I had an online friend who could not stop talking about Evangelion, he even became a meme in different groups because of that. He would write messages large as hell just explaining why Evangelion was the best and deepest anime ever made. He recommended me it a lot of times, and I, as a good friend watched it, one year later. After watching it I thought, "Evangelion is mid," but just for the memes I started talking about it in school. Over time, it became a habit and I began to be annoying. I started saying Evangelion references that only I could understand. I would start talking about Evangelion randomly and not in a pleasant way. I became like that friend. Luckily I recognized my mistake a month later and stopped doing it.

You should watch Evangelion though, that last movie was dope bro.

Well, that was today's post. I never talked about the main topic of this post though. I could change the title, but tell me, what title is appropriate for this post? "Language Learning and Evangelion?" "Luca Lampariello, My dad and Evangelion?" "JJOA's Dad's Snores, Shadowing and Evangelion?"

There's no title that covers this post, so I'll just leave it like this. Thanks for reading and correcting. See y'all tomorrow!