Set your priorities like Warren Buffett

Set your priorities like Warren Buffett



Hello. I would like to share with you this topic: Set your priorities like Warren Buffett. You will definitely get more things done.

"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” — Warren Buffett

We are distracted all the time these days and we have to jump from one task to the other tasks. In general, people think that they can multitask between a few tasks but it’s not true. You have to learn to set your priorities and devote your time properly.

How to determine what’s important and what’s not? All you need is paper, a pencil, and a lot of crossing out.

First step

It’s all about setting goals. Write 25 goals about your personal or professional life. Or write about 25 things you want to get done during a day. Write what’s the most important for you. Be as concrete as possible.

Second step

Deeply analyze your list of 25 goals and choose the 5 crucial goals to which you will pay attention. Write these 5 goals on a second paper. Be honest about your goals and remember that the most important goals don’t have to be the most urgent goals.

Third step

Now you have two lists of paper. The first one with 20 goals and the second one with 5 goals which are the most important for you. The list with 20 goals you have to get rid of now. You can come back to them but first, you need to start with those 5 goals you have chosen.

If you want to achieve something you have to choose what’s really important for you in life and what can change your life in a positive way. Set your priorities properly and don't waste your precious time on things you don't need in your life.