How we forget our native language

How we forget our native language


Crazy, right? But true!

Everyone here is witness to how much passion and love we put into our daily language routine, how much time we spend listening to podcasts, reading, writing, and, if you are lucky, speaking. But, have you ever thought that, while you acquire greater fluency in your target language, your native one is declining? Well, that's happening to me.

The first time that I had this feeling was some months ago. I was thinking about how poorly the English language is taught in high school (what a crazy and unique thought, huh?), and I started to think that all of a sudden we just stop learning our native language. Like, we graduate without knowing how to write a good essay or how to speak clearly, or how to be ready for an interview, but at least we know the verb to be! .... right?. English is good and beautiful but, it ain't more important than speaking our native language correctly.

In the real world, believe it or not, we speak mostly in our own language! So, if we don't speak correctly, how the f*** are we supposed to learn another one? Maybe you can have a C2 Certification on your resume, but in which language do you think the interview is? Some people say that the more languages you learn, the more you come to realize how incredible and precious your own is. How true!

In conclusion, I'd like to mention that I've been learning languages by myself for a couple of months (including English), and I don't have anything against it, I just wanted to point out that if we're going to learn a foreign language the least we can do is to do it right and, in turn, does not mean that we have finished with ours, so let's start re-learning!

Lemme know what you think.