Something more personal

Something more personal


language learning
daily life
journaly updates

When I write on my Instagram account about my languages routine, there are a lot of people asking me "How can you do that?" or "What's the secret?" or "What's your method?" and, you know, I'm so proud to read all the beautiful comments they write to me or they send me in direct because it's like fuel to me!

The real truth about my routine in learning English first and then French is not a big one. In my opinion the best tool is consistency! You have to do something everyday; no matter what!

It's not about to be perfect. It's just about do it everyday!

And the secret to do that is simple: you have to enjoy doing it!

I want to tell you something more personal about me.

When I was at school, I wasn't the best student. I've never been.

There was always someone better than me. Someone smarter than me.

At the elementary school my teachers' motto was "She is good BUT She could do more than that!".

I've never forgotten these words.

Be better than that!

I've never been the best student because that sentece!

I've never been the best student, ever!

When I choose studying languages at the High School, it was the easier choise for me. I didn't like maths or science... so, why not languages? I took that choise even if they didn't like so much! And I was good to get that impression to my teachers too!

I studied English, French and German and I wasn't good with any of them! As a result, when I ended my courses at school, I wasn't able to understand anything in all of the three of them and, I wasn't able to speak a word of them!

Now I know the reason.

It was because of me, that for sure, but not only because fo me! The method they gave to me was totally wrong.

I mean, it was wrong for me!

It took me a lot of time to understand it.

It took me a lot of time to understand that it wasn't my fault.

I wasn't wrong.

The method was!

So I decided to start again BUT, this time, I choose my own method to do it! It wasn't easy, especially at the begining but I never gave up. I wanted to achieve my own method. Something that was good for me!

I started with Youtube. I watched a lot of videos about how to learn a foreign language. How to start, about what and what was better not to do!

I took the best from all the people I "met" during my journey and I learnt a lot about languages and about my best method to improve them!

Now I can easily say to all of my teachers from the past that...



I did it by myself and, first of all, for myself!

(and it worked)!!!!

I think "the secret", the most important one, is to find your way to do what you like! I think it works for everything in life.