Thoughts of the weekend

Thoughts of the weekend


language learning
daily life
journaly updates

The weekend has just started. It's saturday and I'm sitting at the kitchen table writing down my thoughts about the past week. My husband went to the beach with kids, so I'm alone at home but I have a lot to do!

Last time I wrote something in english was on my journal and it was about my study planner for the month. One week is almost done and I did very well...

It's not easy to follow my plan because my free time is always less and I have always a lot of stuffs to do during the day but, I am so proud of me!

I've noticed that my biggest problem in studying routine is finding time to practice my speaking skill but I can easily do that by shadowing or reading out loud some pages of my books; in both of my target languages. I know I can do better and maybe, the next month, with the end of the summer; I will! You know, the end of the summer is my favourite time, ever!

I should seat at the table and do some grammar exercises in French too, maybe writing down the rules I don't get but, for now, this is the best I can do.

My plan for the weekend was just to write down in english, on my journal, what I did during the week but this morning I did more than that. I've listen a podcast in French while I was cleaning the house and that wasn't on my to-do-list for the day!

I've just finished to listen and watching a video on youtube, while I was resting, (because it's so hot here theese days!) and even that wasn't on my list!

My motto for the next week is going to be "never give up"!

ph. Pinterest