Stupid society

Stupid society



Lately, I've been thinking a lot about contemporary society and people that in my opinion are becoming more and more stupid. Especially the younger generations seem to be not as clever as they should be. It's something that at first glance should not worry me that much, but the more I think about it the more concerned I become.

We're living in strange times when on one hand, we have the access to everything we need, we can take advantage of new technologies that make our lives easier, but on the other hand, people become less and less productive, less creative and less curious about what is still unknown. I mean, there are still people who are willing to discover the unknown and invent the uninvented, but as I can see this generation is on the verge of extinction. Every generation is unique in some way as we're shaped by different events that happen throughout our lives, and we should embrace it but we can't put up with the process of becoming less intelligent and less thoughtful. It seems like the youngies don't realize that results come with time and first you need to prove that you deserve the best from your life and never the opposite. If you want to achieve something then you need to climb that mountain, and climbing, in and of itself, means that it's gonna be hard as you need to go uphill. Only when you reach the summit you can finally relax as it should be all downhill from there. From my own standpoint, it isn't that bad, because if the next generation will bring less intelligent people to the ever-growing labor market then it'll be easier for me to outperform them and prove I'm still a valuable employee. I won't have to compete with the army of young highfliers and it won't be that easy to put me out to pasture when I get older. On the other hand, though, the current system is driven by young people. They need to carry the country and work for the pensioners. I don't want to live in a country where access to fundamental services is limited. I don't want to be treated by an incompetent doctor who has gotten his diploma only because there was pressure to fill in the vacancy in the hospital. I want to be surrounded by young people I can trust, so someday I can relax and say that we're all safe as there are people who now will take care of us.

Having said that, we all are responsible for the future, and the better society we will create the better and easier our lives will be down the road. We need to give our best to show young generations true values, pass on the knowledge we have so one day they will be ready to take over and take the responsibility for our future and the future of posterity.