Fossilization or just a slump?

Fossilization or just a slump?


language learning

It's been such a long time since I've used English to communicate with others. I do consume English media every day and sometimes even talk to myself in English (just quarantine things ;D) but I realized, that my speaking skills have gotten pretty rusty.

I'm afraid I'm slowly but surely approaching fossilization. My biggest goal in life is to be fluent in multiple languages, but at this rate I'm not so sure if this will come true. Although I might me overreacting, because I've been focusing more on other languages, so maintaining my English skills has not been a priority. My main concern is that I don't know how to make progress in English. I don't think there's much I could learn from textbooks or language courses as I am kind of proficient in writing. I would have to practice my pronunciation and speaking by talking with other people but then social anxiety kicks in. I really like Robin McPherson's approach to language learning. I guess I shouldn't be disheartened by this regression of my skills. I still have plenty of time to make progress.

Have you ever felt frustrated by your (lack of) language skills? How do you deal with regressing language skills?