My thoughts about fate and destiny

My thoughts about fate and destiny


daily life

Since I was a child I've always thought we have some kind of path that was set up by the universe/god, whatever it might be called, things like our family, our nationality, our family's social/ economic situation… All those things that were there when we grew up and started to become conscious of it, and then all those other things that happened to us by chance…

I think of this idea of the life like a book where some pages are already full, written by the universe, with those big things that are meant to be no matter what and there are inerasable, and a lot more pages are blank, for us to write, and how we write these pages with our decisions and the steps we take and how those decisions affect the way fated things happen at the end. It’s like… fate is the what and destiny (the one we write) is the how.

So some things are inevitable, they are part of the journey, and sometimes we know it, they are put there for us to see them, the whole universe is trying to guide us, but we waste our time and our decisions trying to avoid them rather than embrace them, because we don’t like the idea of someone or something else deciding for us but that is likely the path of happiness, fulfillment and, well, our life path…