How did I get here?

How did I get here?


Hello everyone, :)

Hi, my name is James. I'm a native English speaker who has been blessed with listening to quite a few languages over the years, but who has had little time in the past to make a real effort in learning a language, except for maybe French. But that was in another life.

I grew up listening to Maltese, which was interesting. These days, I would really like to learn Polish. So, I thought the best way might be to learn bucket-loads of Polish words. My bucket has maybe some of water at the bottom, but not enough for me to swish around.

Twice now, I have come across peeps extolling the virtues of speaking one's target language out loud—Robin MacPherson and Laura Maliszewska. Funnily enough, I had done something similar in the past, but with my workload and whatever time I’d finish it was not possible to make a real effort. Though, I did create a little sing-song way with one polish sentence: Muszę iść do toalety — while doing a sort of rain dance. LOL

However, I’m also an avid KDrama fan and, love watching South Korean TV shows, when they don’t get in the way of me learning Polish. Because, quite frankly if I wasn’t into Polish, I’d swiftly be wanting to learn Korean.

Anyway, without boring you all to death, I write lots of verse—in a kind of super limerick(ish) way, where I rhyme 2 words on the top line instead of having one end word to set off the whole verse. Anyway, my thinking has always been to write like this in Polish — that’s my goal. Well, one of them. ;)