Every step forward in knowlege is the result of courage.

Every step forward in knowlege is the result of courage.


language learning

I allowed myself to quote the great german philosopher F. Nietzsche in the title of my first post for many reasons.

Every acquisition, every step forward in knowlege is the result of courage, of severity towards oneself, of cleanliness with respect to oneself...

One of the reasons is to courage myself. I'm not a good writer, because of lack of practice. I'm here, on journaly.com, to improve my active skills. The right attitude is the key.

Second reason is to remind that there is nothing better in our life than to acquire knowlege in many aspects and domains. Learning and improving languages is one of them. Off course, there are diffrent reasons why people acquire necessary things and increase their knowlege. But each one of them is contribute to personal development.

Because of the reason to respect myself, I'm starting my journaling pathway. No more only passive learning, communicating is the key to success!

By the way, do you agree with Nietzsche's words?