"It just fell into my lap."

"It just fell into my lap."


Good evening, everyone!

I am Giovana writing from Brazil. I am seventeen years old and I study both English and Korean. When it comes to the first one, I have been studying it since I remember walking or learning how to speak in my native tongue. However, in Korean I am just a beginner, even though I am completely passionate about it.

The title of this post is due to the way I found myself logging in this specific website. A couple of weeks ago, I found Robin's videos and I just became obsessed with them ever since. As you guys might know, in today's video he happened to talk about "Journaly' and here I am, craving community interactions and exchanging experiences and this passion that I feel so strong in my soul, which is learning new languages and immersing myself in other cultures and environments.

I would love to get to know you guys and help you all out with everything that I can.

You can go ahead and correct my mistakes, so that we can grow and improve together.

Thank you so much for the simple act of reading this.

See you soon!!!