Mee too

Mee too


daily life

Soon enough though I can't remember,

There was a point when one day I decided to just do anything without regrets. 

'Cause Youth is once.

Go and Live!

But there's another point when we can't get everything we want.

Being stuck between youth and adulthood is tough and somehow so confusing.

It's like whichever way I go, there's something holding me back.

'Life is yours' sounds too good to be true.

Life is me and people I choose to keep.

This is what makes it harder to just say 'I don't care' and really mean it.

If we haven't had a support we want YET, then we may need to build it on our own. 

If we want something much enough, we'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.

If the time isn't right YET, we may need to be patient and the result will worth the wait, I guess?

Youth and time is a trade-off.

But we can stay young on the inside and keep our energy up while the number is running, right?

Be clear and focused.

Surely, it's gonna be complicated along the way.

But we'll make it through.

Letting go is great.

Not letting go is also fine.

You'll find the way.

Everything will be ok.

People are broken.

M E. T O O.

Everyone feels lost some time.

You're just not alone.




12.45 a.m.