My experience in a military service

My experience in a military service



Hi guys, I come back to talk about my 2 past weeks where I was in another city alone...

In February I've decided to make a military service in order to discovered the military world, being more confident...

And in July I went to this military duty on my own, with no friends , no family ... Just me.

That was AWESOME!! This was the most amazing experience of my 17 years of life ! The aims of this military service are to discovered new people, be more rigorous, get out of our comfort zone ... We have made a lot of differents activities like paddle, running at 6 o'clock the morning, run and bike, Zumba, dance, volley ball, swimming pool....and a lot lot more...

Each day was full and there were no time to be bored but we have some rest sometimes because this was exhausting and the days were very warm.Each morning at 8 o'clock, we singing the "Marseillaise ", it 's France anthem.

And I also seen some military, police ,etc..., that was impressive . 🎖

We also attended to a military ceremony the 13 of July, a lot of important people were there like a colonel and the minister of youth. At the end of the 2 weeks, we made a show and my friends and me make a dance and a slam ( it's like a song). We have dancing in front of the minister of youth ( improbable 😂). Anyway, this session allows me to make new friends that I never forget, be less shy and to adapt my self because the daily routine was different that mine ...

Thanks to this experience I've made things that I could never thought to do and met people who bring it happiness and joy in my life, so I want to say thanks to them... I hope to see them again one day...I missed them already 🥺🤍.

I recommend this experience to all the teenagers in age of did it (15 to 17). But this is possible in France and I don't know no if this military experience exist abroad...

I have currently a feeling of big nostalgia because this was kind of to be cut off from the world for a while....and now come back to reality with my family, my home and my new friends aren't here with me 🥲.

Anyway, I've enjoy each moments there and all this memories will stay in my head for ever....🤎