The night after work

The night after work


Hey! It's me again, yersterday I couldn't write for you...

If you read my last post you know what this post is about!

My first day at work (and the most important, tha night after)

I was really, really nervous...

I had my appointment to start work at 14 pm, I went to the hotel (I have to walk to work 10 minutes UP THE MOUNTAIN)

So... I meet Lidia, she shouwed me everything to the saloon, the names of the dishes. Now my work is leave and pick up the dishes.

I can say a few words when I pick up the dishes: Is everything ok? Excuse me, and guten apetit. All In German of course.

The work was good, it's not difficult, and every day we have to do the same.

That it's really important,

where do I finish my night after work.

Nine o'clock the kitchen's guys said to me "Hey, now we finish and after we're going to P1 bar, do you want coming with us?"

I said yes, it's really important for go with my co-workers, have a relaxing time after work, and have a human relation with the people with do you works.

The bar P1 is just in front of my apartment, so my plan was to go P1, to have one beer and after that return home.


P1 was closed, we went to the town near here, eight-teen kilometers, we went to the bar, and we played ping-pong and Metegol.

I was the designate driver. The problem was that I've never driven an automatic car before, so Jhosip taught me, but he was drunken, and my english it's no so good for understand ALL.

I felt a lot of pressure because the car was an audi, but after all I did a good job. The guys said to me, "Ok, we going home." We went out of the parking and Jhosip said me "ok, turn right, turn left, turn right, ok, ok, stop, stop."

Whaaaaat!!!!??? This is not your home!!!

He lied to me! We were in a strip tease club.

I entered the club, but really is not my environment. I was inthe bar like one minute and after that I went outside.

I was outside a half hour, and after that Jhosip came to smoke, we talked, he said me "but they aren't whores" I allready know that, but I don't neccesarily like it.

I went inside for a few minutes and came back outside.

After another co-worker started a fight, so we came back home after that.

It was a long, long night, but had a happy end, we arrived to the apartment complex and Mata made pizza, we ate and smoked weed.

They are nice people, but I probably not go out with them again...