Meeting my boss's wife

Meeting my boss's wife


daily life
intercultural communication

Hey! Wow, this is my third post! OMG!

Today in the afternoon I moved into my new apartment, the boss's wife waited for me. She's from Croatia, she can speak English, a little Spanish, and a little German.

When I arrived I asked her about the job, my routine and my shifts. She answered me and said "I need to think before I speak in English, you are very quickly to speak."

So, I answered "My English is not bad, but could be better, you know."

"You know" is my favourite phrase in English, I use it for everything, it's like saying, okay, yeah, do you understand me?

It's like the piece of wood saving Rose in Titanic haha. "You know" it's my piece of wood.

I decided share a new post after my first day at work but I can't wait to tell about the boss's wife (I'm sorry, I don't remember her name. I don't want to keep referring to her based on her relationship to my boss; it gets old, doesn't it!?)

The last few days I was training a lot (with roleplay exercise.)

I did an exercise for taking an order, so I'm feeling a little nervous but I'll be fine (I hope this works!)

Tomorrow I'm going to the hotel to have my breakfast. Also I'm going to tell you about my tasks and my co-workes.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention this, I have my OWN apartment, it's nice, and white (really white, like a hospital 😱)

I have a big bed and a little kitchen, the view is not as nice as Josie's place but I can go outside and see the mountain.

Thank you for reading! Please make corrections.

(I'm feeling much better about my writing skills!)

Bye, bye! or as we says here in Bavaria: Bis bald!

Ps: hasta pronto (En argentina)