Back after a long period of time...

Back after a long period of time...


language learning
daily life
time management

Hello out there,

after a long period of focussing on other things I'm back again. How did you do all the time? And what's up here and now?

Where are the times when I had an abundance of ideas for what I should write about? They seem to have gone... But perhaps coming back to Journaly is an interesting topic, too, and definitely it's a topic for practicing time tenses and things like that in English. So let's start here where I am now.

The things I was focussing on aren't ready, but it's a longer project and for the moment I decided to stop neglecting my hobbies. Of course, the main need for my English is to understand all the great sources in the internet about topics I'm interested in, and I never negleted this. Instead, I used my English on a daily base to learn about my new topic. So perhaps I'll write about it later, but I'm not sure yet... So don't look forward to it until you'll see the first signs of realization!

For me, to be able to use my English actively to express my deas isn't a necessity. It's just for fun. And I have much more fun writing in English than talking. For me, talking is just stressful. But I think, when someone is a fluent writer, they'll start spontanously talking if there's a need! (And yes, that was a singular they! I love it, and I wish we could have it in German, but we already use the third person plural for the polite "you".)

So, for today, that's it. Let's start small. No need to write a great essay on day one. Have fun and a very nice day!