Another hot day

Another hot day


daily life

Today is another hot day in a row. It's not that scorching yet, but it's already too much for me. It feels that my body is just bad at adapting to this kind of weather and instead of at least trying to work at minimum power the whole system turns off and remains in hibernation until the temperature drops below a satisfying value. I don't feel right about it cause it affects my productivity and I'm unable to do all the work on time. Luckily, the temperature plummets in the evening, so I can finish things off but even that will end soon. I'm desperately craving bad weather or at least a little rain. I need a couple of days to recharge my batteries and gear up for the final enemy - scorching July. The thing is that no matter what I will never be prepared for that, so I better accept it and enjoy the summer in my own way - mainly at home or at least in the shadow. In the end, it's only a dozen days in the year. Who knows, maybe it's a sign from above to slow things down for a moment.