Email-I got a new job

Email-I got a new job


Hi Min Thant,

I’m sorry it’s been a long time since we talked.I have been busy in these days and haven’t no time to email you.

As you know,I’ve got many problems from the shop I work and so that I quit.And,I was looking for a new job that might be near my flat and very well-paid.Fortunately,I’ve found a tea shop that was requiring a new waiter that I applied it.You won’t believe this,but they suddenly accept my offer and told me I can work now if I’m free.

The work is really nice-It’s near my college and their timetable is suitable for me so I can work well after my classes and I also have time to study.The boss is very good to us and he also gives extra charges If we are college students.And what is really exciting is that my senior colleagues trained me how to treat a customer,how to smile and how to serve.They also taught me the techniques of making donuts,pudding,cakes,biscuits and other desserts.But the best thing is that they showed me how to make coffee and tea.There are many kinds of coffee and tea so that I’m still learning it.

I believe I must get many experience from this job and it will help me someday.If you have holidays,come and visit to my place.I will show you how good this job and my coffee are .I’m very excited to send you this mail.So if you get this mail,please reply me and let me know what changes are you facing in your new college.

Much love,

Phyo Zaw Hein.