Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect


journaly updates

Everyone at least once was told: "Practice makes perfect", so here I am, giving myself the chance to fly the imagination, and let's see what comes up.

Sometimes, like today I don't really have a good idea to tell you, however, I want to push my mind in order to write something, whatever, just to practice, just to let my thoughts fly away.

The other day I was in the underground on my way from home to the doctor, because I've got an old injury that I hadn't treated. I decided to go before it turns worst. The weather here is totally different and the temperature is too cold, which causes my ankle to hurt at night.

Coming back to the underground, a boy was playing his guitar and singing a song in Portuguese. Obviously I didn't understand anything that he was saying, however, the rhythm took me back to those days when I was living one of the most beautiful moments in life. It was like an eternal summer, it reminded me about her, she was awesome and made my world different, she taught me how to live differently and fearlessly, sometimes I forget how to do it. But if I weren't met her, probably I wouldn't be here. Anyways, that is my story of the day, hope to share more interesting things with you.