Oldest wine making industry

Oldest wine making industry


daily life

Hi everyone how are you all?

Today I am going to tell you about the history of oldest wine making process during the Indus Valley Civilization which is in some part of central asian countries especially in India and adjoining west regions.

we actually have different traces about wine industries in different civilizations but in Indus valley Civilization it was back to circa 3000 before comman era(BCE). Excavations shows potteries, seals, bangles, bricks, animal motifs and ornaments which is common in almost all the civiliztions.

We often see them on books and other internet videos but interstingly in Indus Valley Civilization we got a typical thing which was a perforated pottery. It is cylindrical in shape and have had so many holes on the outer surface, also a large hole on the bottom of the pottery as shows on the above picture. The color of the pottery is dusky brown due to burnt clay artifact process which was followed during that time. Other civilizations also used sun baked artifacts. Many holes depicts straining liquor which is an interesting part of this pottery. A pottery which have practicals on its making is more interesting in nature. Although a society from hunting gathering to producing agricultural surplus have certain advantages in experiments with grains and fruits due to time availability and cultural fact. Rice, barley and fruits were the common raw material for the liquor making process. Their various sites have remains of these raw products which dipicts they were interesting in wine making process and consuming like in today's perspective.

