My pronunciation learning approach

My pronunciation learning approach


language learning

In the last weeks I have noticed that my listening skills have improved notably. I can understand way more when I watch a video or listen to an audio. I don't know if it's because I have learned certain pronunciation patterns and because of that I can also recognize them when I listen.

Something I'm doing to improve my pronunciation is reading loudly and I feel it has helped me a lot. About three weeks ago I read about how to make some of the most common English sounds, such as th, v and others. Then I started reading loudly trying to apply what I had learned. At firts It was difficult to make the sounds (and still it is a little), but after some time I noticed that I was making this sounds unconsciously. Some days ago I was talking to my teacher and I realized that I was making the th sound when I was speaking.

I find still very difficult to make some sounds, especially when a single word has twice or more new sounds for me, but I think if I continue practicing, my mouth and tongue will get use to them.
