language acquisition

language acquisition


Which language should I learn? Why?

These are questions which language learners struggle with, and they have not a definitive answer.

Personally, I am currently studying english, german and little bit of italian, and here is what I want to focus on:

I´ve been learning english since I was a child and have just started learning german on this covid time.

I love german, I like how it looks, how it sounds, but it is still much more difficult than studying italian because of the similarities they havet with Spanish, my native language.

In what italian learning concerns, I have just studied it by listening at podcasts or watching videos from "Easy Italian" (a channel that I truely recommed). But even though you could say it is not enough to develop certain skills within the language, my listening skills have been increasing incredibly and I am meaby able to understand between 70% and 80% of what the speaker is saying. That's more than what I can catch up when I am listening at german, and I hope it to let me delevop new skills in the language whitin time. and here is the reason:

The similarity with my native language!

This allows me to deduce what the words mean in the moment I hear them just because they are just like I am used to hear them, but a little bit changed in the way they are pronounced or stressed (There is for sure more changes and complications, but they can be studied and comprehended).

Finally, an advice: If your goal is to learn a language and reach the wished fluency we all want to achieve, I recommend you to try with a language similar to your native one, believe me, that will make things easier, why don't give it a go?

P.S: Is not recommendable to learn two or more different languages that come from the same family at the same time, for instance french and italian. It´s not impossible, but perhaps it would be more managable if you try with the second one, once you have a certain level of hability with the first one, just for avoiding unnecesary confusions.