Air travel has more pros than cons

Air travel has more pros than cons


daily life

I chose to talk about this statement which I agree with. However many people claim that air travel is extremely harmful because it emits lots of carbon dioxide which is responsible for green house effect. I do believe, that planes are the best means of transport.

Firstly, plane tickets may be considered expensive but with a one-way ticket you can easily get to far-off destinations within some hours. If you recalculate, you had to buy petrol several times to get to the same destination by car which would be way costly, wouldn't it ?

Secondly, modern planes are more eco-friendly because they have filters which reduce toxic gases. Furthermore, many airlines are taking action to become more environmentally conscious.

Anyway, the fact that passengers can move around, go to the toilet, to the buffet while they are travelling is remarkable. Compared to cars it is not the case. Every time you are hungry or thirsty you have to stop the car and get off which makes your journey longer.

Last but not least, travelling by plane is the safest way to travel. It has been reported that air travel-related disasters occur less frequently than road or train accidents.

To sum it up, the advantages of air travel outweigh the disadvantages. Taking planes for large distances is a reasonable decision.