It is great to live in a tourist town

It is great to live in a tourist town


daily life

I chose to talk about this statement which is quite controversial. Many people claim the it is not beneficial to live in touristy area because there is the hustle and bustle , noisy surrounding and you cannot find a proper place to relax. Furthermore, a higher criminality rate can be observed in famous towns. Whereas, I think that one of the best things is to leave in the touristy space and the residents can profit from it in the long run.

First of all, you can meet lots of people all over the world which enables you to learn new pieces of information and practice your language skills. Meeting new people expands your horizons enormously and improves your language skills, undoubtedly. Not paying for an authentic conversation sounds amazing, doesn't it ?

Secondly, living in a popular, visited city is also beneficial from an economic perspective. Tourists are likely to buy local products such as souvenirs, clothes etc. Not to mention, that they might oversleep in the city and enjoy its services. If you have a local vendor or a small restaurant you can feel the financial difference seasonally. So to say, having touristy areas increases the town's budget.

If you don't have anything to sell, you might say that you are not affected by those advantages. But it is not true. Touristy cities mostly have maintained infrastructure, cleaner streets and nicer buildings. The city council strive for having more visitors in the city, in hope of being able to double their incomes. Thus, you as a resident can benefit from the cultivated environment.

To conclude, I am convinced that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and being more accustomed to foreign people helps us to overcome cultural differences.