- Ki voltam borulva rá, mert árult drogot a nővéremnek, aki csak tizenéves. Raádasul ezzek a drogok nem kamuk voltak!
- Szerinted ez a tetkó jól nézné ki a nyakomon?
- Egy fekete bőrov jól nézne ki ezzel a feher a nadrággal.
- Nem kételkedek benne, nem azt gondolok, hogy hazudott… de a sztorija elgondolkodtató, tudod?
- A legjobb dolog az ex-pasimnak, hogy mindig elgondolkodtatónak és okosnak nézett ki, de valójában agyatlan volt.
- Hogy érzed magad, amikor valaki simogát a fejedét? Ez a legjobb érzes a világon nekem!
- Ő nem meghalt volna, ha csak simán kérted, hogy ő maradjon éjszakára. De hagytad a kocsija volánjához, bár tudtad, hogy komolyan részegen volt. Kellett volna vigyáznod őt!
- Jogában áll telefonálni szombaton.
- Az Internet teszi lehetővé azonnali kommunikáció.
- Sajnos nincs időm, téged elkísérni a repülőtérre.
- A hírnévem mindenhol elkísér Budapesten. Flörtöltem az összes sráccal, aki lakik ebben a városban. Amikor elmegyek bulizni Alterego-ba vagy Instant-ba, mindig összefutottam valakit, akivel már randiztam.
- Annyira leereszkedően beszélt, hogy akartam agyon ütni őt.
- A családom próbált egy meglepetés buli szervezni a születesnapomra, de sajnos meghallottam őket beszélni róla. Kellett tennem úgy, hogy meglep voltam rá.
- Elvesztettem magam az erdőben, de megtaláltam egy nagy hazát a semmi közepen, ami kopottnak és elhagyatottnak nézett ki.
- Kellett vennem egy új szemüveget, mivel megkarcoltam a régiét az utólso vasarnap.
- Szoktam játszani a szomszéd lánnyal, de egy nap szó nélkül elköltözött.
Szép munka :) Csak így tovább.
Thank you so much again for your help. I keep doing some mistakes like word order, megtaláltam, forgetting the accusative, confusing special characters... ahhh such a hard language! I have a few questions by the way:
Thanks for your time, like always.
Wooooow that's a lot of question. Actually it's easier to say whether something is correct or not, since I haven't studied Hungarian grammar "as a foreigner", I just speak as a native speaker. So it means, I know whether something is correct or not, but I don't necessarily know grammar rules / irregulars, because I've never learnt it that way.
So I try to give answers, but maybe there are things I don't know.
Egy fényképalbumot nézegettem. - I was looking at a photo album. (photo album - object, nézegetni - verb)
Nézegettem a fotóalbumot, de nem találtam meg a kedvenc képemet. - I was looking at the photo album, but I couldn't find my favourite photo.)
So basically there is a rule, but both of these scenarios are possible.
I don't understand this question.
I gave it a thought, and I think only, if the emphasis is on this part. And in many case that is the situation, so it's common.
Some examples:
You've cooked this meal for me? - Nekem készítetted ezt az ételt? (basically that's the most important information you are asking for - who is this meal is for? - so it comes to the beginning of the sentence)
Why do you give this book to me? - Miért adod nekem ezt a könyvet? (here the most important part of the question is asking for the reason, so here the "to me" part is not the most important)
Can you do this for me? - Meg tudod ezt tenni nekem? - emphasis is on: "can you do"
Yellow is my favourite color (for me) - Nekem a sárga a kedvenc színem. - the emphasis is on "my liking" so it comes to the beginning of the sentence.
I hope it answers this question. :)
Thanks a lot for your time. Well, about question two, I do not know how to explain this... but when studying the conditional tense... I have seen that one could write "nézné" or "nézne" depending on whether the object was definite or indefinite. I tried to write a sentence for each "Szerinted ez a tetkó jól nézné ki a nyakomon?" / " Egy fekete bőrov jól nézne ki ezzel a feher a nadrággal." but you corrected one of them.
So it just showed that I have yet difficulties to understand when to use the definite/indefinite conjugation.
verbs with "igekötő" can be separated with other words / can be written separately. and yes, one of these words are "kell" / "tud" there are others as well.
I try to put together some example sentences with this structure.
Korán le kellett volna feküdnöm tegnap este. - I should have gone to bed early yesterday.
Korán le kellett volna feküdni tegnap este. - meaning is the same, just it does not have a subject (it does not refer to anyone, so it can be aplied to anyone). - verb with igekötő behaves like this
I will only write sentences with "I" just for the sake of simplicity.
Nem kellett volna elkésnem az óráról. - I should have not be late from the class. - Negative sentence behave differently.
Ennem kellett volna indulás előtt. - I should have eaten before leaving.
Wow amazing insights! Thanks!
6."Úgy kellett tennem, mintha meglepődtem volna." I am surprised we would use "volna" here. I wanted to write "I had to act surprised". I thought "volna" was used for past conditional. Thanks for your time, like always.
Answer: it's past conditional (correct)
I had to act surprised = Meglepődöttnek kellett tettetnem magam. (Literal translation, does not sound natural)
Úgy kellett tennem, mintha meglepődtem volna. = I had to act as if I would have been surprised.
Yes, it means the same thing in the end, I should start thinking like a Hungarian, ahah. You are such a nice person to take the time to help me out. Learning Hungarian is something I do alone- without a teacher- and it's such a challenge. You are literally carrying me out overcoming this and achieving my goal. Thanks.
Thanks a lot for your time. Well, about question two, I do not know how to explain this... but when studying the conditional tense... I have seen that one could write "nézné" or "nézne" depending on whether the object was definite or indefinite. I tried to write a sentence for each "Szerinted ez a tetkó jól nézné ki a nyakomon?" / " Egy fekete bőrov jól nézne ki ezzel a feher a nadrággal." but you corrected one of them.
Now I understand better.
nézné : someone would watch / look at
nézne ki: it would look like...
I would watch - nézném
you would watch - néznéd
he/she would watch - nézné
we.... - néznénk
you... - néznétek
they... - néznék
I would look like - néznék ki
you .... - néznél ki
he/she .... - nézne ki
we... - néznénk ki
you .... - néznétek ki
they .... - néznének ki
Few example sentences:
Megnézném az új filmet a moziban. . I would watch the new movie in the cinema.
Megnéznéd mikor megy a busz? - Would you check when the bus leaves?
Átnéznétek a a házifeladatot? - Would you look at the homeworks?
Jól nézne ki ezzel a fekete toppal. - It would look great with this black top.
Hogy néznék ki ebben a ruhában? - How would I look like in this dress?
Sorry, I was constantly writing my answer, and didn't refresh the page, so I didn't see your comments until I've seen my notifications. I'm very glad to help, I think it's a huge thing if someone starts to learn Hungarian. On the other hand - I learn Korean, and I know how much does it mean to have someone who gives feedback, especially when no one around you speaks the language. So if you have questions, you can ask them, I'm happy to help and give feedback.
Okay, I was thinking about it a little bit more. you were right, there is something else to do with the object too in case of "nézne" "nézné".
So let me rephrase it a little bit.
When there is no object: nézne (ki) means to "would look like / look" as I"ve described before.
pl.: Emese jól nézne ki ebben a ruhában. / Emese would look great in this dress.
But when it has object, it's a different story.
Emese would watch this new movie. - Emese megnézné ezt az új filmet.
Emese would watch a movie. -Emese megnézne egy filmet.
In the first case you describe a specific movie (definite), in the second case you are just talking about any movie (indefinite).
If you'd like to practice this idea, I give you a few English sentences you can think about. with the conjugations I've provided in this chat previously, it's totally doable. I can even help you with giving feedback. If you don't want to do, that's fine as well. :)
I would watch the sunset. (sunset - naplemente)
How would Emese look with these sunglasses?
If you have time, would you watch the weather forecast? It would be nice to know whether it would rain or not. (weather forecast = időjárás jelentés)
Would you check whether this product is still in stock? (still in stock = még mindig kapható / még mindig elérhető // this is maybe tricky, because the object is the question part)
I would watch a romantic movie.
Would you watch a horror movie with me?