Certifications to wood compagnies

Certifications to wood compagnies


AUDIO: https://voca.ro/12SBZCOGB6Dz

According to the passage, around the world many wood companies have started to adopt environmental practices in their manufacturing proceses in order to receive a certification. Nevertheless, it is mentioned that this kind of certifications are not convenient. Fisrtly, because Americans tend to prefer cheaper prices. Secondly, they tend to doubt certifications because many buisness only use them for marketing purposes. And laslty, most wood products are sold in the United States.

On the contrary, the second passage argues that having an eco-certification can have a notable impact on a wood company. It mentions that increasing the price a little doesn't affect the buying decision if customers have the sense of contributing to the environment. In addition, having a certification may increse the recognition of a brand.

To summarize, both passages cast doubt about whether having a wood certification is worthwhile due to the fact that the first gives no reasons for implementing an eco-friendly process and the last one gives reasons in favor of having one. Compagnies may need to do some research and evaluate the decision according to their needs.